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Things You Didn’t Know About Bats

By December 28, 2017September 7th, 2018Uncategorized

Found on every continent but Antarctica, and making up nearly one-fifth of the mammal population on earth, it’s a surprise that bats aren’t spotted more often. These dark, elusive, and cunning creatures are one of the only mammals to feed on blood, and can live in a diverse range of habitats. Although bats are fascinating from a biological perspective, they can wreak havoc on your home and property.

From the experts at Raider Wildlife Control, here are a few things you didn’t know (but should) about bats:

Bats Can Vary Greatly in Size
Bats are classified into two categories: megabat and microbat. Megabats, which include species like the flying fox and Old World fruit bats, are generally larger than microbats. One of the smallest bats in the world is the bumblebee bat—it measures only three centimetres long and weighs 0.07 ounces. Among the largest bats is the spectral or false vampire bat, which has a wingspan of one metre.

Unique Mating Behaviours
Bat infestations are loud, destructive, and messy—especially during mating season. Unlike most mammals, female and male bats gather in hibernation sites during mating time. The bats swarm in huge numbers, communicating excitedly with one another and performing tricks for mates. The attic is a perfect hibernation site for bats; its warm and dark environment the ideal space to breed and raise young.

Bats Can Carry Rabies
Your neighbourhood raccoon isn’t the only mammal that could be carrying rabies. This is a devastating disease that attacks the nervous system and, in most cases, results in fatality. Due to their highly social behaviour, bats are easy hosts for rabies. They transmit the disease through their saliva, so it’s important never to approach an aggressive or cornered bat. If you spot a bat in your home or on your property that is unable to fly, is acting strangely, or is in an usual place, get in touch with your local wildlife experts immediately.

Bats Can Cause Lung Disease
Histoplasmosis is a nasty disease carried in bat droppings, also known as guano. The infection is caused by fungal spores in the guano, and is most commonly transmitted when the spores are airborne, like during clean up or demolition. In people with good health, the disease may not present symptoms. In young children, or individuals with compromised immune systems, however, the disease can be serious. Symptoms include coughing, muscle aches, fever, chills, and a persistent headache.

Bats are incredible creatures—there’s no doubt about it—but they have the potential to cause serious damage and harm to you and your family. If you think you have a bat problem, we strongly recommend you hire professionals to deal with the issue. Contact us today to learn more about our bat removal services at Raider Wildlife Control.